25 June, 2011

Outstanding in the Field

Yesterday we were honored to cook for Outstanding in the Field at our friend Lee Hudson's farm.  Virtually all of our produce came from Hudson Ranch - garlic, beets, radishes, carrots, mesclun, suckling pigs and guinea hens - which made this an honest farm-to-table event.

The gorgeous setting, a grove bound by rows of Chardonnay grapes and a pond of wallowing hogs.  Notice the mobile chicken coop on the left.

Roasted Hudson Ranch vegetables, awaiting mesclun, soft-boiled egg and shaved tuna heart, served family-style.

Mounds of squash risotto.

And the clear highlight, spit-roasted "guinea pig."  Chefs Di Fede and Rodde deboned five suckling pigs, sewed them up, and stuffed them from snout to tail with about a hundred pounds of pork and guinea hen meat, essentially turning each into a supersized sausage that took five hours to cook and could feed forty.

Our thanks again to Outstanding in the Field and Lee Hudson for putting on a beautiful event.

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